Use this faucet filter with 150 mesh to help keep debris from water supply clogging micro-sprays and drippers
Recommended use when water source is coming from a well, when using only drippers, or in-line drip tubing
Unthread end cap to slide out 150 mesh filter screen for easy cleaning.
Has 3/4-in female hose thread inlet and a 3/4-in male hose thread outlet on side
(1 Filter Per Bag)
When installing any irrigation system, it is important to be aware of manufacturer recommendations and potential system limitations. Please be aware of the following:
The Timer (MLWT-1ZONE), (MLWT-TWOZONE), (MLWT-EGG) must always be the first thing attached to the faucet, then the pressure regulator (MLA-58 or MLD-25PR), filter (MLFF-41), and then the poly faucet hose fitting (MLF-33), or vinyl faucet adapter (MLA-FAS)